Things are really picking up on the burlesque front. Lucky me.
Sunday 16th September I had the privilage of organising the burlesque side of an entire evening. This was part of a rockabilly alldayer and wow it was such a great event.
I don't think I did too badly in accordance with everyone else and all the performers had a good time. which is what counts (as much as entertaining the masses)
The compere for the evening was the wonderful ; Leon Noir
and the performers were;
Velvet Von Black (who sadly couldn't make it)
Raven Noir
Tahlullah Manhattan
Cleo VĂ©ge (whom was debuting her first solo act)
and Myself
The acts were all top notch and the photos were lovely.
Not to mention the bands. However I do love a bit of Rockabilly though I'm more inclined to gothabilly or psychobilly when it comes to this culture <3
In light of this we will be bringing back some burlesque to another similar event. Also... I am running my own night In January. I have all the performers, singer's etc booked up ready. A post on this is on it's way. Anyone is welcome to come along and have a good night with some sexy boylesque and Burlesque performers.
For now, all upcoming shows in which I am making an appearance are on my website.