Thursday, 21 November 2013

Frosty Belles and Whistles

I am pleased to announce that I am running a brand new burlesque night. In fact this one is an all day event.
We have fabulous burlesque and boylesque, oh yes we have pretty boys for you to oogle to.
Great lineup of steampunk influences bands including the rather astounding Professor Elemental.
 Also stalls galore and wonderful cabaret artists. Why not come and indulge in a day of fantasy, comedy and festive fun.

Featuring our rather talented performers;

Raven Noir
Sir Midnight Blues
Liberty Chimes
Carrie Couture
Didi Curv'e
Pixie Amore
Nenedhel Absynthium
Venus Starr
Count Chronos Morté
Vixen Von Doom
Near Miss DiZaster

Our host and wonderful Compere with some surprises up his sleeve Jacques Bruxelles

And that's not all,

We have live music and bands

Our lovely cabaret Artists -
April Lindsay

For your listening pleasure we are proud to present the wonderful;
Crimson Clocks
BB Blackdog

and last but certainly not least we are proud to present; The one, the only,

Professor Elemental

this event is at the roadhouse in Birmingham
you can find the event information on

Hope to see you there


Monday, 1 July 2013

Quick update

I guess I have been a little too busy to update this very much. However that does not mean I have been lax with my burlesque, oh no my dears.

My newest act has been debuted and well it went down a storm at Heresy 'N' Heels alternative burlesque fair in Birmingham! On top of that you will now see me perform regularly at their events. I'm so excited, it's such an amazing event.

recently I have done some charity shows, one of which was Bonobo burlesque Bonanza in London which was nice, really lovely people.

Like I Said just a short update. I have some new acts coming up really soon and a few shows including some more which I am running.

  See you all soon lovely people

Monday, 22 April 2013

Battle of Burlesque South!

Excited, Excited, Excited! Can you all tell that I'm EXCITED?!?

*Ahem* anyway I am pleased to announce that I am taking part in South Coast Burlesque. Its a battle of Burlesque competition. Yay!

It's all fun at the end of the day, with so many wonderful ladies performing I doubt I'll place but I intend to enjoy the experiance nonetheless.

I'm performing a brand spanking new act so I'm being rather daring with this one :) wish me luck.

Here is the even below South Coast Showcase