Friday, 30 January 2015

Jukebox jury

Coming this April is this rather fabulous show! Complete freestyle/improvisation burlesque to live music!! Ran by the stunning Khandie Khisses and the show really has some amazing ladies performing.

If you are in Birmingham then look into going to this!

Tickets are on sale on the roadhouse website! 

Monday, 5 January 2015

Performing over the last year

Another year gone, it's been a busy one. Can't wait for this year as it will be full of surprises! New acts and skills to be learnt , but for the mean time here are some photos from last year. It also depicts times when I was expecting through to postpartum. (I was still performing up till the little one was born as I was actually booked to perform the day she was born. Call me crazy). The photos are chronological and live. 

All photos are copyrighted mind. See you soon!