Tuesday, 31 May 2011

new acts and feathery fans

As I have taken a brake from being on the stage for a bit (until August at least if not July) I have managed to come up with two brand new acts that will be debuting at the very next show I do.. oh yes. The choreography is set and I just have to finish my feather fans.. yep sally rand style.

This leads me to talk about the orgin of the well knowned Burlesque fan dance. It was made famous by Sally Rand at the paramount club and she also performed her famous bubble routine. Truly inspiring, she was both a dancer and actress, being arrested several times for public indecincy although she was never actually nude, it was an illusion.

I know that many would argue that Faith Bacon performed the first fan dance in Burlesque however there is no doubt that Sally Rand made it famous. and I have included here a video of that gorgeous, graceful dance. I can't wait to get my feathered babies finished... they are going to be about 5ft when completed.

Since then... many burlesque artists have paid tribute to her, myself included and once I get my camera sorted I will post up the images and video of that act.

in the mean time here is some more videos of lovely ladies performing their fan dances

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