Thursday 16 June 2011

Does it have to be Feathered?

I have noticed that the most well known fan dance for Burlesque Performers is the Ostrich feathered fan, sally Rand style if you will. But is this the only one you can use?

Of course not ^^, I know that these are expensive and I will be writing a tutorial on how to make a nice single, double and tripple layer fan with different staves and accents, should be fun. Also whilst on the topic of tutorials I will post one on adding accents to existing costumes and also pasties... among maaany others. I am considering doing some video tutorials for some basic burlesque moves to so keep an eye out.

Okay so you know about the stunning and elegant ostrich fan, what else is there?

Small marabou fans can add an extra charm to a piece so do not overlook them. Other fans commonly used are Silk Veil fans, fire and fabric fans, all can be used efficently to achieve some great effects.

When fan dancing think about the effect you want it to have on the audience and the motion of the fan itself. In my own acts I have used silk veil, marabou and ostrich.

To show you the effects each can have I have included some videos of some stunning ladies and their fan
Nina Nightshade -

The Duskettes -

Catherine D'lish -

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